Wednesday, 30 October 2024

The Battle of Ideas: The Bolshevik view on where we must go by Lindokuhle Mponco


As we head into the 3rd National People's Assembly we are confronted with the reality of rebuilding, advancing, and defending the struggle for economic freedom in our lifetime. With that being the reality that confronts our July 26 Movement, we have no option but to promote, campaign, and lobby for political ideas and leaders who will be constructive in the quest to achieve such. In the political vacuum of silence that is gripping the province of the Eastern Cape due to the silence of the PCT, and seeing other Provincial leaders making pronouncements of their preferred candidates, we have no option but to provide revolutionary guidance and make it clear and sundry to all members and the public which ideas we support and who we see best fit to ascend to the Central Command Team. This article will explore the current challenges and answer the revolutionary question of what is to be done?


We need Bolsheviks!

When the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) was confronted with reality of a brewing revolution, they convened a Party congress (1902) in London since most of the core leadership was based in the UK due to being exiled. The question that confronted them was on how best where they supposed to organise themselves going forward. There was a bloc within the Party which argued for a mass democratic approach and a politically flexible system which would allow private and public dissent should there be no consensus. While the other bloc made an argument for the Party to focus on building a core of cadres or professional revolutionaries who would be ideologically trained to be the vanguard of the working class, and to keep the Party small amid censorship and banishment. On top of that they made an argument for a system which would allow for democratic debate to ensue but when the majority decides, all members must abide with the decision and dissent would not be tolerated. This system is known as Democratic Centralism. These two sides are known as the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. The Bolsheviks were led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, while the Mensheviks were led by Julius Martov and Georgi Plekhanov. The Bolsheviks won the ultimate discussion of Democratic Centralism being adopted leading to a split between the two blocs which would go on to characterise the Marxist movement in Russia, and ultimately the world, especially after the triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.

The EFF is confronted by a similar trend; however, it manifests itself in the form of Electoralism vs Revolutionism. The other side consists of leaders and supporters who firmly believe that the EFF must continue to pursue democratic means of overcoming the Neoliberal regime and rely on liberal bourgeois democracy to undo capitalism while the other side makes a strong argument for the creation of an alternative democracy which will create dual power, and lead us into a revolutionary situation, and ultimately lead us on the path to revolution. The Spark identifies as a Bolshevik outlet and as such we align ourselves with the ideas that seek to dispute the recurring theme which is contained in the discussion documents since 2014 that we are not ready to lead a revolution against capitalism. The analysis is partially correct given the subjective conditions that we are gripped with but partially wrong given the objective conditions that make it ripe for revolution. While we are still resolving our internal matters, the revolutionary tide keeps moving and it will move with or without us. This philistinism trend of wanting the movement to be subjected to a permanent cycle of competing in a liberal bourgeois space which is skewed in the favour of parties who are the core of the GNU is not assisting in building a truly revolutionary Party which can lead a revolutionary movement that can liquidate capitalism.

The EFF has a historical mission to liquidate capitalism and bring about a socialist dispensation, however, that will not be achieved if we still have electoralists at the helm of the Party. It is from this point of perspective that we make the solid argument that we must promote, lobby, and campaign for leaders who will lead us into a revolutionary situation, and ultimately ensure we liquidate capitalist relations of production. When the Bolshevik Party embarked on their quest to liquidate the Provisional Government of Kerensky, they had only 200 000 members, while we boast over a million members. It can't be that we are failing to locate the weak point and gaps that will enable us to establish a popular democratic outlet which will counter-balance the established institutions like Parliament. Our participation must move from simply exposing the hypocrisy of the ruling class, to active mobilisation of the masses to reject the institution itself and expose it as a nothing but a reformist structure. Most of the electorate has already rejected bourgeois elections, ours is to emphasise that which they have already rejected and provide a revolutionary posture and explanation. Lenin in 1917 after his arrival from Switzerland made sure the Bolshevik Party distances itself from the Provisional Government and actively promotes the Soviets as the organ of popular rule, thus creating a reality of dual power. It took a Special Congress for that to be achieved, and it was achieved after he published the classic April Theses. 

Some within the sections of the Party called it Trotskyism, however, history proved Lenin and Trotsky correct. Our people need to be conscientized and shown in clear and scientific terms that this liberal bourgeois democracy has failed, and that the power to create a new alternative lies in their hands, and only their hands. This is the role the Vanguard Party must play in the intervening period, consistent with the method of Lenin of patiently explaining the conditions of the masses. However, to patiently explain the conditions we need a leadership stratum that has the ideological ability to explain and explain until our people are convinced that the only way out of this neoliberal hell is through a popular revolution which will be guided by a United Front of Workers' Parties, Unions, and Civic based organisations. This intervening period does not need leaders who will have egos, arrogance, and a sense of 'being in charge'. It needs leaders who will not blindly unify with distorters of Marxism and non-Marxists who seek to undermine the revolutionary science of a Marxist oriented revolution. It is quite clear to the most politically backward individual that the system has failed to address the needs of the people adequately. Even the Congress movement silently admits that they have failed to accomplish the first stage of the NDR, thus forcing them into the arms of neoliberals. Such is bound to happen when one follows a thoroughly Menshevik approach of stagism. The two-stage theory in as far as South Africa is concerned has failed, thus a Bolshevik approach is needed not an electoralist one. 

It is on this basis that we raise the clarion call that those who should emerge must be leaders who understand this reality and will not only stop at understanding but will advance it. The EFF needs Leaders who are not accustomed or draw inspiration from the perks and privileges which come from serving in Parliament, Legislative bodies, and Municipal Councils. The EFF needs dedicated revolutionaries who will ensure that all layers of leadership from Central down to the VD Task Forces are in tune with the demands of the masses and what is required to advance the revolutionary. In sum, we do not want Mensheviks at the driving wheel. Already we have seen some of these Mensheviks leave for other parties that either have nothing in common with us or are non-Marxist in character, while some have gone straight into the clutches of a feudal socialist party. It is time for the Bolsheviks to stand up and be counted.




What is to be done?

As a contributor of this Bolshevik revolutionary publication, we want to make it clear that we support, endorse, and openly declare our support for a fellow Bolshevik by the name of Comrade-Fighter Chumani Matiwane. Fighter Chumani Matiwane is a tried and tested leader who was the first Regional Chairperson of one of the fastest growing regions in terms of electorate share and membership, the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. He led the EFF in its first Local Government Elections, and the EFF attained a 7.97% electoral share, and 8 seats in total, which was 0.19% behind the national average. This laid the foundation for an improvement in 2021 to 12.06% due to their performance in council and in the metro. As leader of the caucus for the most part, this saw the Party gain traction and relevance which continues to grow everyday under the current leadership of Fighter Mziyanda Hlekiso. The Party has also shown confidence in him by deploying him to national and provincial debates to articulate the position of the Party, and he has done well in providing perspective with the utmost clarity. Furthermore, Fighter Chumani Matiwane is a clinical writer who contributes to The Spark and provides ideological clarity on certain issues that need the necessary experience and clarity that some contributors including me, cannot provide. This is a Marxist-Leninist-Fanonian revolutionary who adheres to Bolshevik principles of advancing the revolution in all sites of the struggle, including the picket lines.

In our open endorsement, we cannot leave behind the contributions and his good working relationship with all leadership structures that have come after him, and his contributions in advancing the revolution. We openly believe that him being part of the Central Command Team and being in the central make-up of the Leadership, he will contribute to the ideological consistency, and ideological sharpening that is required in the intervening period and it will come to fruition as he is one of the members who were there in 2013 when this revolutionary movement was born. His storied activism in the then Vista Campus, which is now known as Nelson Mandela University, Missionvale Campus is documented, and his political peers who were with him in the trenches of the PYA agree that he is a revolutionary par excellence. It is on this note that we openly declare that Fighter Chumani Matiwane must be elected by revolutionaries who adhere to Bolshevik principles and want to see the movement going in a revolutionary trajectory that will ultimately liquidate capitalist relations of production. We call upon the elected delegates to cast away their fears and deliver a Bolshevik into the CCT so that the Party moves towards the necessary and logical conclusion of this neoliberal impasse, which is a popular revolution which will usher in socialism in our lifetime!

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