Tuesday, 16 July 2024

No Retreat, No Surrender: Neoliberalism in DHET Must Fall by Lindokuhle Mponco



The recent announcement by NSFAS to temporarily halt the Direct Payment System has been received by revolutionary students with a warm reception. However, this major victory in the broad scheme of things sets the stage for an even bigger victory, the fall of neoliberalism in the sector of Higher Education. The time is ripe; however, the subjective conditions still play a role in the ebb and flow of the revolution. It has been proven from time to time in the history of South Africa that revolutionary swings start in centres of education be it in high schools (Soweto uprisings) or in institutions of higher learning (#RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall). The objective conditions in the sector favour mass uprisings due to the objective failure of the NSFAS Accommodation Pilot Project and the looming introduction of a SANTACO-NSFAS shuttle service. The objective reality is that the freshly minted GNU will continue to maintain the neoliberal character of the system, while continuing to oppress the students and the workers in the sector. 


Reflections on recent victories and defeats in the Sector

The sector has been faced with many issues which have filtered down to various institutions across the country. The continued mismanagement of NSFAS has sharpened the plight of students coming from working class and rural poor backgrounds. This mismanagement continues even after there was a slight increase in the budget, even though this was achieved through the defunding of over eighty-seven thousand students. According to the former Acting CEO NSFAS, they intend to defund approximately one hundred and twenty-six thousand students in the next academic year (2025). This defeat came at the back of an ineffective and illegitimate SAUS selling out on the issue of Direct Payment System service providers, and the continued sidelining that SRCs are experiencing. The reason why this has lasted long is due to the lack of political will to form a national union of SRCs which will rival the gradually defunct SAUS. This lack of political will is the sole cause of the lack of revolutionary demonstrations. This is largely caused by a very institutional-centric approach to the issues which are currently gripping the Sector. This is largely due to a lack of appreciation that the struggle is nationwide. 


The unity of students should be the priority of all SRCs due to the need for a revolutionary push towards the total defeat of neoliberalism within the sector as the starting point. However, we must not labour under the illusion that a defeat of neoliberalism within the sector is a defeat of neoliberalism in totality. This is why we need to also unite with the workers who work within the very same system. This neoliberal system does not only affect students but also workers who toil to make this system work for the capitalist order that continues to benefit from this education system. The unity of SRCs was possible but was also disrupted by the overarching reality of national elections which stretched the SRC deployees of various organisations, mainly, the EFFSC towards electoral campaigns. It must be said that the defeat and the electoral decline of the EFF has spurred a sense of despondency while sparking the desire for the students to increase and amplify their voice within the EFF, while shifting their gaze to their immediate struggles. The unity of SRCs now rests on what is to be done in the immediate to ensure that the neoliberal system feels the sting of an awakening revolutionary student populace. The leadership of the EFFSC at all levels needs to rearm its leadership to repeat the heroics of 2023. The heroics of 2023 have led to the defeat of the direct payment system while opening the way for a renewed fight for Free, Quality, Well-resourced, and Decolonized Education. The victory against the 4 service providers must be underlined as a starting point, and a refined and perfected approach to dealing with similar issues must be implemented consistently, consciously, and in a revolutionary manner. Spontaneity does not drive the revolutionary swing to success!


 Towards a new revolutionary national students' union

The moment that faces the student populace requires us to think outside of the box. We must not hold on to old slogans and old notions. They have been made obsolete by the changing material conditions, and the present situation. It must be noted that a large section of students does not know anything about SAUS or SATVETSA and have never heard of them because they are nowhere to be found in the struggle of the students. The time has come for us to abandon old slogans and old vehicles that cannot trudge through the neoliberal mud which has intensified due to an accelerated implementation of neoliberal policies which have enabled a situation whereby private interests practically run the sector. Almost all the basic functions of the sector are outsourced to private interest, and little remains in the hand of the state. The managements of the institutions have been leading the charge in ensuring that the status quo takes firmer shape in the lives of students. That is the reality of the moment we are in, and it will not wither away with time but will remain if we fold our arms. The death of SAUS and SATVETSA now is just a mere formality. Revolutionary students must gather under one roof, and create a manifesto, program of action, and a constitution of a new revolutionary students' union which will champion the struggles of students. The current SRCs from across the country owe it to the students to form such so that the struggle against neoliberalism in the sector continues to be waged with intensity and much needed vigour. 


As this blog, The Spark; we call upon all like-minded students to join the banner of revolution. We call upon all SRCs in institutions of higher learning to meet under one roof and form a Revolutionary National Students' Union of South Africa. Students in South Africa must reclaim their revolutionary heritage and mission now and not tomorrow!